Thank you for the basics! Is anxiety an emotion or a physiologic response to an emotion?

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Fundamentally, it's considered an emotion characterised by feelings of worry, fear, apprehension, or dread. These feelings arise in anticipation of a future threat or concern, often without a specific or immediate cause. But anixety can also be a response to an emotion because it starts as an emotion, but then it repsonds with a physiolgical response of fight or flight which can create a feedback loop that amplifies the emotional experience.

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Love this- also is there a connection to the ages 2 year old neuron overload to the “behaviour” we can see in this age group as an over stimulated? I have had 3 children and each has a had a different 2-3 year old phase (now adults) just fascinating if there is a correlation or not?

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I’m not sure I understand the question. Usually, ages 2-3 years are the most difficult because they start to learn that they have autonomy in the world. Until then, they mostly just had basic needs that needed to be met, which meant that every time they cried for something they needed, they got it. But then as they grow, they start to want things beyond their basic needs, and this can result in frustration and irritability in wanting something they can’t necessarily have. This, coupled with their desire for control, they begin to understand that they can influence their environment and the behavior of others. This can lead to power struggles with other in the family.

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